Happy 2016

We’ll always have Paris.  Casablanca (1942) 

It may be good to keep in mind a romantic idea when there are no viable alternatives to make them real. I just hope in 2016 you will find yours and make it happen.

Best wishes,

Oriol Rius-Sabaté
New York, December 2015

PS: Let me share with you a piece of what I consider the most beautiful speech I have heard in 2015:

It was not a clash of armies, but a clash of wills; a contest to determine the true meaning of America.  And because of men and women (…), the idea of a just America and a fair America, an inclusive America, and a generous America -- that idea ultimately triumphed.
It’s the idea held by generations of citizens who believed that America is a constant work in progress; who believed that loving this country requires more than singing its praises or avoiding uncomfortable truths.  It requires the occasional disruption, the willingness to speak out for what is right, to shake up the status quo.  That’s America. 
That’s what makes us unique.  That’s what cements our reputation as a beacon of opportunity. 
Because Selma shows us that America is not the project of any one person.  Because the single-most powerful word in our democracy is the word “We.”

(Remarks by President Obama at the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery Marches)


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